a black and white photo of a sign that says privacy please
a black and white photo of a sign that says privacy please

Discover Unique Baby Names

Get inspired and find the perfect name for your little one with Original Baby Names app.

About Original Baby Names

Welcome to Original Baby Name, the app that helps you find the perfect name for your baby and provides valuable tips on baby care. Below, we outline our privacy policy to ensure transparency in handling your data:

Information Collection:

  • Generated Names: The app creates baby names based on your preferences and the provided information.

  • Baby Care Tips: We personalize childcare tips based on age and other preferences you enter.

  • Advertisements: We use ads to fund the app. Note that data collected for ad display is anonymous.

Use of Information:

  • Service Improvement: We use the information to enhance our services and provide you with more accurate suggestions.

  • Personalized Ads: Information collected for ads is used to display relevant content based on your interests.

Information Sharing:

  • Original Baby Name does not share personally identifiable information with third parties without your consent.


  • We implement security measures to protect your information, but remember that no Internet transmission is entirely secure.

Policy Changes:

  • This privacy policy is subject to change. We will notify you of significant modifications.

By using Original Baby Name, you agree to this privacy policy. For additional inquiries, contact us at [email]. Thank you for trusting us to find the perfect name for your baby!

Contact Us

a golden padlock sitting on top of a keyboard
a golden padlock sitting on top of a keyboard